The titles of the Conservative and Liberal Plans indicate how different these two parties view what Canadians want and need.  The Conservative Plan is called “Jobs, Growth and Prosperity”, a goal that can benefit all Canadians.  The Liberal Plan is called “Fairness for the Middle Class”, a goal that serves only one segment of Canadians.  Amazingly, despite its title, the Liberal Plan isn’t friendly to the middle class!  For example:

* “For family incomes above $45,000, the Liberal Plan will raise the marginal tax rate,”* according to tax expert Professor Jack Mintz.

The Liberal Plan has a massive $2 billion hole in it. To fill it, Justin Trudeau will cancel income splitting for seniors and families, and take away the 2015 Budget’s increase in Tax-Free Savings Accounts.

It’s important for Canadian voters to recognize how different the Conservative and Liberal Plans are:

The Conservative Plan benefits 100% of families with children. Justin’s scheme picks and chooses who benefits, and raises taxes as well.

* The Conservative Plan seeks to achieve “Jobs, Growth and Prosperity”.  It will do this by helping small and medium-sized businesses improve their competitiveness and reach new markets.  These businesses create 3 out of 4 new jobs in Canada, and their output accounts for 41% of Canada’s total national exports.  Therefore, helping them helps ensure good jobs and incomes for all Canadians.

* By comparison, the Liberals think that the best way to help Canadians is for the government to engage in more income redistribution.  More government handouts and social engineering designed (theoretically) to help the middle class at the expense of others won’t result in widespread satisfaction and prosperity among Canadians.   The best way to do that is to encourage more good jobs and work opportunities for everyone across the country.

Justin Trudeau has proven once again that he doesn’t understand what Canadians want and need.  He truly isn’t ready to be Prime Minister.